A New Approach To Products

At RCNQ, We use Hairstory. A revolutionary new product line bringing hair back to its natural, childhood state – and keeps it there. It works on all hair types, regardless of age, race, texture, or length. All of their styling products are designed to work harmoniously with New Wash to bring out and enhance naturally beautiful texture without feeling coated, sticky, or weighty. Hairstory is much more than another product line. It is redefining beauty.



If you’d like to try any of Hairstory’s amazing products,

visit the link below:


New Wash


People are only now waking up to the fact that shampoo is the worst product you can use on your hair. The parabens and sulfates in shampoo over-cleans and strips away your body’s natural protective oil barrier; your body responds by over-producing oil. You slather on conditioner to replace some of the moisture that was stripped away, and before you know it you’re feeling greasy again because your scalp has been busy protecting itself as it attempts to replenish natural oils. It is a perfect, vicious cycle that is great for shampoo companies but horrible for your hair and scalp.

New Wash, a sulfate free shampoo alternative, cleans without detergent, and its natural ingredients never strips away your protective barrier. It only removes excess oil, dirt and styling products. It leaves what should stay and removes what needs to be washed away. When you switch to New Wash to cleanse your hair, you break the vicious cycle and your scalp calms down. Your hair is happier, healthier, and simply looks and feels much better! Say goodbye to frizzy hair, damaged hair, and locks that have lost their luster - say hello to New Wash. 




Cleanse, condition, detangle and restore your hair and scalp with our original formula. Color stays longer, curls take better shape, and the frizzy fight is finished.



Oil be gone! Great for scalps prone to oil over-production. Apple cider vinegar and argan oil help clean deeply.



Super-thirsty strands need superior moisture. Looking for some serious moisturizing for dry hair? This is the formula for you.
